About Us


We are a consortium of individuals / corporate entities from various backgrounds including media, events and entertainment determined to bring Digital broadcasting to Bradford.

All Bradford Digital Media participants are local to the Bradford area.

Director: Raj Parmar

Leading Bradford Digital Media is Director of Sunrise Radio, Raj, who has actively taken the station to new heights and digital platforms. Over the last 11 years has been recognised for, and contributed towards, Bradford civic society.

In 2009 his events and entertainment business - Spice Entertainment received a

Community Harmony Award for an ‘outstanding contribution to community harmony in

the Bradford district’.

- Organiser of free self-defence classes for women and children; established blood donor

recruitment events for Delete Blood Cancer – Bradford.

- 2019/2020 Member of Give Bradford.

Trustee of the Alan Foster Trust.

- Active steering group member for Bradford Disability Games 2021.

- 2019/2020 Representing Bradford as Ambassador on behalf of Believing in Bradford.

- Steering group member of Bradford 2025, Bradford’s bid to be recognised as City of Culture.

Director: Usha Parmar. 

Usha has for many years played a leading role in Bradford civic society.

Recognised and awarded for breaking down political and social barriers in the community

(1999 Asian Business Woman of the Year).

Business Woman of the Year 2000 and 2001.

2009 received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hindu Cultural Society of Bradford.

Through the radio station Usha has nurtured new talent through training, promoted

awareness of humanitarian issues such as domestic violence and social/business issues

such as women in business.

Board member of The Bradford District Sustainable Development Partnership.

2019 recipient of an Honorary Fellowship from University Centre Bradford College.

Director: Raghvir Sangha

Mr Sangha is a passionate Bradfordian and was instrumental in starting Sab Rang radio for the Punjabi community in Bradford in 1999, to

propagate Gurbani, Culture, Social, Literary and Educational aspects of the target community. As a

businessman he has wide range of experiences of radio station management including fund raising,

procurement, controlling programmes, recruitment and training. He is well conversant with the requirements of compliance for operating a community radio service.

Director: Qamar Zaman

Mr Zaman has a range of experience-based skills drawn from the radio, TV and film industries that focus

on a number of operational specialities. These include compliance, sales and contract negotiation and

management accounting. Between 2004 and 2015 he has participated in RSL and DSP radio ventures.

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